Give-Away Day!!
How fun are Give-Aways? Well they are the best, and even better if you can win! I will apologize in advance for these somewhat crazy pictures I've not been getting along with my camera (see previous posts). I know you're on the edge of your seat waiting to see what you can win so here it is:
Yay a fabric rectangle!! But it's so much more....
It's a checkbook cover!!! And it will come with a matching coin purse similiar to this one. And possibly some bonus fun that finds it's way in your package before it leaves my house.
Your fabric choices are any of the following or you can let me pick from the mysteriously growing stash that is taking over my closet. It's all up to you, and you being THE WINNER.

Leave a comment telling me one thing you hope to do this summer. Please include which of the above 6 pictures is your choice or if you want it from my stash-o-mystery. I will pick a winner(which means family will pick a random number from the number of comments left) at the end of the give away on May 31st. Make sure you leave email info either in your comment or with a link back to your blog containing it.
11:07 AM | | 207 Comments
Finding Different Ways
I had so much I wanted to share, and it's kinda getting stock piled. My camera still isn't cooperating with me so I figured I'd use my card and daughter's camera. And guess worked so now the problem lies somewhere within my camera/cord system...errr technology!!
(the bottom one was eliminated because the dots weren't definite enough, yeah my husband didn't understand)

Problem solving isn't really a strong point of mine. Here is attempt number 2 on trying to lay out my quilt.
I'm on piece number 9 with this. I really wish I had done it different, but I'm pretty sure ripping it all apart and attempting it a different way isn't really an option. Plus I might not have enough of some of the material and the polka dot quest is done for this project. Although I am afraid that I might be disappointed in the end and be wishing I had done it with 3 inch strips instead of irregular width pieces.
And here's a skirt I made for myself. I used a pattern because well see above.

10:44 AM | | 3 Comments
No Abduction Here

I saw this skirt here, and already have the fabric ordered for it. Ok actually for 2 skirts like this...seriously I couldn't stop myself and there weren't kids distracting me so I was all to focused on clicking "add to cart."
And for a very exciting finale, SewMamaSew is sponsoring another give-away! Go here and check it out!
12:34 PM | | 2 Comments