Easter Outfits Completed and Other things Completed in a Week

This week I also made my niece her birthday present. Although I didn't actually see her open it, Chuckie Cheese is quite overwhelming, I did hear she wanted to try it on right away so that must mean she liked it. I appliqued a "H" for Hope on the shirt (thanks Wal-mart), made a simple skirt with an elastic waist, and matching hair clip.
Although I wanted to give my sewing machine a break, I just got this cool patchwork material for a skirt for myself so I may be a little busy with that for awhile. I also picked up some gray jersey to try to make a skirt from the Alabama Stitch Book. I also got this red minky on sale for my first ever quilt. Which is going to be this one once I collect enough polka dot material. I knew there was a reason I waited to make myself a blanket, and this is it!
This was in the spring issue of Quilts and more, which I would have never bought if I hadn't seen it at the hockey coach's house. I'm going to have to rework the pattern a bit so I can make it bigger, but that's easy right?
While Eve was at Grandma's house for a few days over break I also got her room painted and her bed set up for her. I hauled the desk up to her room too. When we got home from the game Thursday night I sent her up for p.j.s, she didn't stop smiling for over an hour. I found out yesterday that she was so excited she almost peed her pants!! I'll post some pics of her room after the crib's out of there and curtains are made/up.
9:01 AM
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Darling outfits! Having no daughters, I've always had a hard time with making anything "Easterish" for my sons. Especially now that they are teenagers! Also thanks for the link to the Tollipop giveaway. That's adorable!
By the way, your comment on my blog this morning made me chuckle. Jealous and neglected library books... that happens to mine often!
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