Our First Craft Night

If these aren't the cutest things ever I'm not sure what are. These are some of the button hair ties and magnets we made at Elizabeth's last night. Of course nothing is ever written in stone, so after a late start, and me doubting if we were actually going to accomplish anything, we did. Alright, actually Janet and Elizabeth had a little higher completion rate than me, but I was very organized!

Of course some girls just want to make a kazillion of them beacuse they are very addictive.....

....which makes us go on a Wal-mart run for more buttons. Then, while we were out we had to partake in 4th meal because hunger was setting in at 12:30 a.m., and then it's back to work.

Some of our favorites..

And of course, not to be left out, Nate sporting a trendy way for men to wear them!