Note to Self

Dear Self,
Until further notice you ARE NOT allowed to purchase more fabric for projects. That is until you finish 85% (it sounded like a good %, you know about B level) of the projects that you already have cut/planned/or bought. Yes, we know your love for fabric is great, but just think of the satisfaction you'll get when you see your finished creations in everyday life and not just your dreams. And of course there are the "oohs and ahhhs" that are sure to follow, which you can never get enough of!

Remember this,

Simplicity 2711

and this,

or how about the one you picked up today,

Yes these want your attention!!!!
Also on my plate is attempting shirring. I picked up the elastic thread today, and of course fabric for the project. Which I think is going to be a skirt. I saw one here , and a million other places I can't remember, so I'm thinking of giving it ago. Plus I think I might like a skirt with this kind of waist because it wouldn't create "the roll" like regular elastic waists tend to do on me.

I'd also like to try to make something like this, minus the $34.50 price tag LL Bean has on it.

I've seen so many reconstructions of clothes lately, it's making me feel confident that I could try something like this. Especially after I master elastic thread!

And then there's this,

I saw this pattern and fell in love with it! I wish I lived when clothes were beautiful. The women wore dresses that were flattering and full, and sometimes had a hat to match. And gloves, gloves would be amazing! So to pay tribute to my love of beautiful things, I waited for this to go on sale and bought it for $4. When my list of projects is done, this will be the first one on the new to do list. Does that even make sense? A new list for when the old list is done? Well anyway this is the reward for making it through what I've gotten started already.

Ok time to get sewing!


Anonymous said...

Q: When you get a pattern to follow is it pretty simple to do? Like for me...if I had to do it, could I? (the one stitch wonder here!)

LeslieW. said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! The green pants are gillian by children's corner. The pink top isn't a pattern, I played with a peasant dress pattern and fiddled until it was cute. Thanks for asking! Happy sewing!

MandiMade said...

Okay, now I am stalking your blog. Hehe. I told my husband that I was going to buy a jacket for my son and had every intention of doing that. I spent 3 hours at Joannes looking at all of the patterns because I just got a serger and want to make a few childrens clothes. My husband was concerned. I didn't come home with a jacket, just a bunch of books and patterns.