Oh why me and A fun Craft- Forward for You!
I have projects done, not oodles, but done and pictures ready to load. Why me and why my camera and all things included with this hate me is unknown. I just want to take pictures, load them, and blog about my craft adventures. And my camera wants me to create, take pictures, and hog them all to itself. Not fair! Not fair I say, you must share. So while I work on figuring out a way to get this to work a bring you this....
Craft it Forward is sort of like the movie "Pay It Forward." The object is to do something nice "just because."
Here is the fine print: The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! This offer does have some restrictions and limitations so please read carefully:
* I make no guarantees that you will like what I make but I will do my best.
* it will be done in the next couple of weeks or maybe months (hey it's summer)
* you have no clue what it’s going to be - that’s the fun part! But it will be handmade.
It could be a handsewn item, stationary personalized for you, baked goods from my kitchen. So basically it's something you won't find on the shelf at your local big chain store. What will it be? You’ll have to wait and see! I reserve the right to do/make whatever seems fun but sane at the time.
In return, all you need to do is post this text into your own blog and make 5 things for 5 others. (If you don't blog you could send a mass e-mail to friends and craft for the first 5 respondents.) What could be more fun! Some ideas you could do for others: artwork, CD’s, burn a DVD, write a poem, crochet a scarf, make a mini book, send a photograph (a printed one, not e-mailed. etc…).
If you are interested, leave a comment below with your email address (if you don’t have a blog-based email address and are not comfortable leaving your personal email address, you can also email me at jrae_228 (at) yahoo (dot) com). Craft on and craft it forward!
I found out about this wonderful from from Becky at Sew in Stitches. Check her out!
2:07 PM | | 6 Comments
Promised Pictures

Abe thinks the aqua band at the bottom doesn't match. I told him it does, it's the same line, and really it's staying that way!

And now because I'm terrible at getting the girls in for pictures... when it was one child no problem, but as we kept adding it seemed more and more forgotten! I need to get a 5 year picture of Leigha for in the living room. These were taken at the park at her school picnic. Which one is your favorite?

Loved the clouds, but is the hair in the wind to crazy? And I'm not sure how much it looks like a smile.
10:46 AM | | 7 Comments
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder...
It also makes my house get clean and some sewing done!
School is done for Leigha, just a picnic tomorrow, and Eve goes until Thursday and she's done for the year. And then I'll have to reshuffle the daily to-dos, the want-tos, and the not-really-going-to-happens around to try to keep chaos at a minimal.
I have the top done on the quilt and it's pinned. Now I need to learn how to quilt....
Pictures tomorrow as I need to get Eve and get ready for work!
2:42 PM | | 2 Comments
The Winner Is.....
Thanks so much to everyone that stopped and shared their summer plans. Summer is my most favorite season so it's nice to hear how others are going to be spending their time. I finally have most of my flowers planted so for the rest of the summer it's going to be weeding and watching them bloom!! Oh yeah and there will be some boating too because I can't have a summer without going out on the lake. Oh how I love summer.
And now to pick the winner (by the process of everyone picking a number from the number of comments and dividing by 5, yeah math is my hubby's favorite we couldn't just pick 57 or something).
The winner of my give-away is:
Z Family said...
SO cute!! We are having a baby... I know, not like planning a trip or anything, but thats what we are up to. Im loving the second to last pic
And having a baby, and a summer to enjoy them, sounds perfect to me...well not so perfect because I'm pretty sure I''m past the need for another baby...and maybe not...
And if I am unable to contact her, I will pick another winner (obviously).
If you didn't win and you can't live without one of these lovelies you can contact me and we can arrange something I'm sure.
8:25 AM | | 0 Comments