Craft Clique Begins

Today was the planning meeting for what our little craft clique is going to do for the next couple of months. It was difficult to pick just a few crafts per night/month when there is a never ending list of things we want to create!

For October the crafts are:
*Fabric-Covered Buttons
Supplies: Cover Button Kit(s)
Fabric of your choice
Magnets and/or Hair Elastics

*Felt Food
Supplies: TBA

We will meet at Elizabeth's at 6:30. If you are interested in joining us and are in the Fox Valley area contact me for further info.

The dates will be: October 20- Fabric Buttons/ Felt Food
November 17- Pumpkins/ Thanksgiving Game
December 15- Table Runner/ Gift Tags

If location is an issue, but you'd like to do the craft, we will post directions etc. for each craft after our craft night.