Look at this

You need to stop over here and check out this awesome quilt that she made for a very lucky little girl! I am so in love with the fabric that is on the back. It reminds me of jacks!
She's also doing a give away for a custom quilt this same size in your choice of colors. What could be more perfect than that? My choice of colors would be greens and browns. I can only imagine the possibilities!


Elizabeth Morrison said...

I'm going crazy with all of these projects I wanna try!!! In fact, this post and quilt - which, by the way, I want to win but no longer blog so I can't, boohoo - has helped me to make a decision about the pantry. My plan today was to take everything out, paint it and put everything in a nice, orderly fashion back in there.

Change of plans!

I'm now going to put a desk in there with my sewing machine and a big basket for my material and such. Yay!

I'll send pics when I'm done.