My Road Trip Project

So if you ever visit my other blog you'll know that I wanted to make mittens, but ended up knitting booties instead. Well, I'm not sure if you can call this a bootie, and I thought it all started so well. Needless to say, I will not be making the other one!

It was a sad day...

I had to return my Denyse Schmidt Quilt book to the library. I almost jumped into the book return to fish it back out. But since I figured I wouldn't fit, and that there may be someone waiting for it as much as I had, I left it there. Plus we leave in two days (better get busy here!!!) so I'd rack up quite the fine if I high-jacked it!

When a girl's heart a skirt

So last week Friday Eve had here concert at school. She called Grandma Helen to invite her, but she had to work and said she'd come to the one at church. As soon as Eve hung up the phone her face tightened up, her eyes squinted shut, and she started to cry. And it was the kind that comes from way down deep in your stomach. I couldn't take seeing her cry, but this apparently was heartbreaking to her, so I decided to surprise her with a new skirt to wear for the concert. I used this pattern for hers.

I added an additional inches to the skirt, and if I make it again, I'll add a bit more because this just touches her knee. And of course the other 2 couldn't be left out, but I opted for this simplier pattern with a bit of modification to the hem. On the next 2 I also added ric-rac to the hem band and skirt seam.

This one used a lot less material hence it's not was twirly (shhhhh). But I'm not sure this cut would look as good on an 8 year old as it does on someone younger. And Sara was unavailable for a solo pic. View following for reason why:

Tree Lighting Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Tree Lighting Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

And when there is one good give-away there is another. Check out her work!

Dinner Party Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Dinner Party Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Sometimes it's easier to try to win something than to actual make it yourself!

After last week being taken over be sewing and then being on the computer for almost an entire day, my house blew up. I'm sure you know exactly what I are parted to create paths to walk through the rooms, there's a slightly sticky spot on the kitchen floor because you just wiped up the spilt juice instead of washing it right away, and there's so much laundry the hamper is no where to be found. I also had my nephews here on Saturday for a sleep over and needless to say, the living room looked like a war zone when I woke up on Sunday.

So I spent Monday just straightening the house up, besides me sewing machine was buried under a mountain of fabric and projects to sew, and then today I cleaned it. Which now's time to break out the projects....which also means this cycle is going to start all over again!

I did finish 2 more coloring wallets for my nieces last night, so their gifts are completely done now and just need to be wrapped. And here are 2 other projects I finished:

This is the reverse side of the keychain

And this is the scarf I made for Abe's mom

I went and bought the gray and pink corderoy, black shirting, and I splurged for the pink silk. (The rest was from projects never made, and I know I'm not the only one with those!)
Off to go shovel, again, so I can get out of the driveway...ugh

And the Winner Is....

By total random number picking it was....

Meadow who said...
I love the ornaments my husband and I made when we were newlyweds (and poor). Good times...

If I can't make contact and get a shipping address, I'll randomly pick another winner...

Holiday Give-Away Day

Give-Away Day

Set of 3 ornaments, including (1) 5 inch and (2) 2.5 inch balls
You can pick this set or the one pictured in my post from yesterday, so specify in your comment.

A zipper pouch which I'll fill with a few surprises including these hair goodies.

I'm so excited to participate in this years Give-Away Day. Thank you for checking in today, and I hope that you return again. I also want to mention that I will be selling my things on etsy very soon, so if you see anything you like check back or email me.
Now here's how to win: Leave a comment about your favorite Christmas ornament. You can include description, why it's your favorite, when you received it, whatever you think I need to know etc. I'll pick a winner Saturday morning. I will ship anywhere in the continental U.S. If you have any questions feel free to email me.

Here's one of my favorite ornaments. I can remember it on the tree when I was a kid, but I'm not sure exactly where it came from. Every year I can remember fighting with my sister to put this one and another one similar to it on the tree. It reminds me of the puppets from Mr. Rodger's when he went to the land of make believe. Just looking at it sparks a story of a girl and her daily adventures, and that my friend puts a big smile on my face.

A Very Productive Monday

Yesterday I was on fire!!! After getting the house picked back up and dishes done I entered craft mode. Major craft mode. Yesterday I finished up 5 gifts. I know I was quite shocked by my progress, and here it is.....

- A zipper pouch and hair goodies for Erin-

-A pencil case for Faith-

-Coloring wallet for one my nieces-

And now here are my fabric ornaments. These are going to gifts for Abe's brother and sister. And I'm also going to give a set away tomorrow for the Give-Away Day.

The set consists of (1) 4 inch and (2) 2 1/2 inch ornaments

My Scarf

So after almost buying the book I needed 5 different times and checking daily to see if one had been returned, I finally got the Denyse Schmidt Quilts book I put on hold a month ago from the library. And if you think I'm kidding about the suspense I was in until I got the book I'm not!

So I get the call, pick the book up, and then don't even get to crack it open for a day because I had to work the night I got it. Of course the next day was spent looking through the book and planning out my scarf.

I'm pretty sure the fabric is all from the same collection in shades of red, cream, and black cotton. I lined the back with a cream flannel. I also did a black zig-zag stitch on the seams to add a little to the cream side.

Abe thought he wouldn't have to buy me the book now since I had gotten it from the library, but he is sadly mistaken because I'm in love with this book and need to have it for my very own. There are way to many things I want to make. Thank you Erin for the tip on this book. I may become a quilter after all!!!

P.S. Just in time for winter....scarf number 2 on the way!!

Christmas Gifts Round 2

After much debate, and because I couldn't find the things for my original idea, here is what the nephews in my life are getting for Christmas this year....

Asa's getting an camo fabric covered journal/notebook

For Noah, a pirate inspired one
(his notebook has room for drawing pics too)

And, then there is my yearly battle of what to get for my cousin. I'm just not good with the whole boy thing so, yes, he too is getting a fabric journal just slightly more "grown-up" for his 18 year oldness.

The covers are reversible too. This is Erik's other cover choice. For the other 2 notebooks I used plain cotton for the reverse to save on cost. The best thing about this project is that once you work the kinks out (yeah I cut out and sewed the first one a couple of times), it's fast, easy, and fun. Of course the cut from the rotary cutter took the fun factor down a few notches, but none the less, it was a good time. I got the directions here.

What's Keeping me Busy

Lately I've been trying to get the Christmas gift list dwindled down. The girls are getting blankets, very basic blankets, and pajamas. The blankets are yet to come, but here are 2 of the nightgowns I have done.

I made them from the same pattern, but of course no one wanted the same sleeves. Leigha's are a ruffle, Sara's are short, and Eve wants long sleeves. It's a black thermal material with hearts, roses, skulls, and a few small sayings on them. Obviously I had no say in this fabric!

I'm waiting for there to be gifts for grandparents here. There are so many fun and easy to make gift ideas here. I wish it was a book that I could own and flip through the pages and see all the photos up close. On a side note- I just checked and today is grandparents day!!! I am so happy I even let out a little shout of joy!!

Nov 10- 2nd Craft Night

We had Grace join use in doing our one-hour bag. I feel that I need to add that I believe that the title given to it may be a farce.

It was Grace's first time using a sewing machine, and learning what things were- thread was tricky! For this project I just helped out since I had made my bag earlier, and I had brought a different project to work on.

Grace did an excellant job cutting, Elizabeth, well, she learned the right and wrongs of things as she went. Of course there were modificatons so after cutting we are at about 15 minutes.

After pinning, Grace gave it a go, a very slow go! Here's where Ms. Singer began to get spunky after being kept locked up for to long and Elizabeth's attention had to shift to other matters.

Grace did about half of her bag, and because we are at about 45 minutes now, I step in and help her with the rest of the bag. With her handle modificaton, and alloted breaks to help straighten out Ms. Singer I think the total time was maybe 2hr 15 minutes.

The completion of Grace's bag, was then the beginning of Elizabeth's. I think Ms. Singer was nervous around Miss Bernina. Elizabeth made it, ok a bit of hand cranking was involved, through getting the bag sewed together w/ the pocket by the time I left around 2, yeah that's a.m., and was left with the straps and sewing the hole closed in the lining.

Update: Elizabeth is taking Ms. Singer on an outing today for attitude adjustment. Hopefully they reconcile and pictures of these wonderous bags will follow.

Christmas Presents

Here are my nieces gifts for this year:

For Faith

For Gracie who loves giraffes

For Hope

For Paige

My button excitement hasn't ended. So I'm looking for the metal clips to make money clips for my nephews. If you've spotted them somewhere let me know.

I've decided that I'm making my girls blankets for Christmas. Eve picked out some black/pink skull fleece. Yes, I know, I did a big sigh when she found it because skulls aren't high on my list of loves. Abe found a black/gray plaid with skulls he liked so I want to sneak back and get it for him. Leigha found some really soft/really $$ pink that she liked, but I have a 50% coupon so I'll probably get it for her. Don't know what to get for her backing though, the pink is that "minky" material. Any suggestions?

November Purse and Why I Love my Husband

Here is my "one hour bag." I need to add that because of the changes I made to the bag, bigger with a longer adjustable strap, it was not really a one hour bag. I think I watched/listened to 3 movies while doing this bag.

This bag was made possible with help from my lovely husband. Sometimes I make things that are supposed to be very easy very complicated, and then enter husband. He made me a pattern with the measurements, and I think that somewhere inside of him is a crafter! He seems to enjoy each trip to Joann's a little more each time, and helps me pick stuff out now instead of just leaning on the cart. He also commented on the women to men ratio there and added that if he needed to find a new wife he'd start looking there.

I opted to use only one of the fabrics I had bought, and lined it with my "cream of wheat" fabric. With winter on it's way, I made the strap longer for ease over a thicker jacket. I also made button holes, for the first time ever by the way, in the strap so I can have it be shorter to sling over one shoulder or longer and wear it across my body. In her tutorial the buttons were just decoration, but I decided to actually use them on mine so the bag could be more versatile. It will have a "tail" when I shorten it, but that's just more character. I did a little zig-zag around the contrasting material on the end of the straps too, (another step I added).

I really want to use it tonight for the game, but as it is my "November bag" it's debut shall be tomorrow. I am so very excited for tomorrow!

Side note: Because I am addicted to these, I couldn't throw out any of my scraps because you never know!

Look at this

You need to stop over here and check out this awesome quilt that she made for a very lucky little girl! I am so in love with the fabric that is on the back. It reminds me of jacks!
She's also doing a give away for a custom quilt this same size in your choice of colors. What could be more perfect than that? My choice of colors would be greens and browns. I can only imagine the possibilities!

My November Purse

These fabrics are in shades one of my favorite colors - orange! I bought this at least 2 years ago in the sale bins at Hancock Fabric. I got 2 yds each of this heavy fabric for a total of $3! And then on another sale shopping spree I found these buttons on clearance for $1.

My mom was here this past summer and we made this one-hour bag. It turned out so cute. I think this is the pattern I'm going to use, but I am going to make it bigger with a longer strap. With 3 girls, I need a big bag!

Last weekend

Well, the craft fair didn't go as well as I would have liked, but it was exposure. One lady did take my name/number (thank you), so I'm hoping she contacts me for further items. Here are a few of my favorites, and yes they are still available.

Pink cotton giraffe with pink plaid flannel

Pink, yellow, and white striped cotton with white flannel

Yellow flannel monkeys with brown, blue, and golden yellow cotton stripe

Of course I still have many of my magnets, tack sets and hair stays available too. Christmas presents here they come!


So of course in my stumbling around on here, it's amazing what you can find when you start clicking, I came across this awesome give-away. These are the cutest outfits, and I think that Leigha would be in love with her endless possibilities of outfits. I looked at her costumes she did for a give a few weeks ago and think back to when I made Eve's Easter dress when she was 3. I would have such a hard time just letting it go, but she does it bi-weekly!! Gotta love her. Check her out here GROSGRAIN MINI STORE OPENING NOVEMBER 6!!!!! AND BIG PREVIEW GIVEAWAY!!!!

Craft Fair

Just a heads up- there is a craft fair this Saturday from 9 - 2 at St. Martin's in Clintonville. There's also one at the community center on the same day, but if you are looking for me and these cool hair ties they'll be at the church.

Our First Craft Night

If these aren't the cutest things ever I'm not sure what are. These are some of the button hair ties and magnets we made at Elizabeth's last night. Of course nothing is ever written in stone, so after a late start, and me doubting if we were actually going to accomplish anything, we did. Alright, actually Janet and Elizabeth had a little higher completion rate than me, but I was very organized!

Of course some girls just want to make a kazillion of them beacuse they are very addictive.....

....which makes us go on a Wal-mart run for more buttons. Then, while we were out we had to partake in 4th meal because hunger was setting in at 12:30 a.m., and then it's back to work.

Some of our favorites..

And of course, not to be left out, Nate sporting a trendy way for men to wear them!