Getting My Life Back

So I've been back to work for a few months now, guess I should find a routine now right? I've felt so antsy and just crazy that I thought I would just get rid of my machine because I can't stand to look at it. And then there's this whole blog thing.... It was going great and I could post regularly. First my camera stopped uploading abilities, I started working nights so my blogging days turned into cleaning and sleeping days.

How shall I fix this???

oliver + s Love

When these patterns are for sale, I promise I will buy them! Oh thank you oliver + s for your amazing designs!

I bought a dress like this for Leigha, but Eve's size was too short so I have to make this for her. Besides it is way cute in this gingham!

This is perfect for Wisconsin, and it has the option to add quilted liners etc. I do need to say I am a bit intimidated though, but I believe I can.